While RAINBOWS AND RAINDROPS isn't the first book by Kelley Lynn & Jenny S. Morris it is the first book we've published ourselves.

Because we were headed into uncharted waters (now under the Lynn & Morris brand) we knew we needed a team to support our journey. We couldn't have asked for a better crew. Over the course of the next three weeks and five interviews, we'll introduce you to our team. We can't recommend them enough, so if you have questions or want to ask about our experience, please feel free to reach out.
Today we have an interview with the photographer who did the shoot that lead us to this beautiful cover. Not only is she a dear friend of ours, but she is wicked talented. She found our Rain.
And we'll let her take it from here.
First, what is your name? (First name is fine J) And the name of your business.
Hello! I’m Rachel, and my business is Meet Cute Photography.
When did your business start? What gave you the inspiration and drive to pursue this career?
The business is new this year. I’ve been doing photography for about fifteen years, but mostly as a hobby. (Although I have had photos displayed at a couple of galleries as well.) I’ve done a few covers before for author friends, and was approached this year by Allie at Makeready Designs (note from Lynn & Morris: You'll hear from her in a later interview!). We’d worked together (sort of) in the past. She had designed the covers with those pictures I’d taken, but we hadn’t actually worked together. It’s been great to be able to work with her in this way.
How do you go about picking the people or places for your photo shoot?
I actually coach high school speech and theater, so I know a lot of teens. Lol. And they’re theater kids, so they’re expressive too!
What’s your most favorite part about a photo shoot?
My favorite part of a shoot is when the model relaxes in front of the camera. It takes longer for some than others, but they all reach a point where they start to feel comfortable and that’s when the best pictures happen.
What do you feel about the final cover?
I love the cover! It turned out beautiful. It’s wonderful for me to see how Allie takes my photos and turns them into a cover. There’s a real art to that, and she does an amazing job.
What types of things do you do when you’re not shooting photos for book covers?
I am also a YA author, I coach high school speech and theater (as I already mentioned) and I show Arabian and half-Arabian horses.
If people want to inquire about using your services, how should they go about doing this?
They can message me on my Meet Cute Photography facebook page to book a shoot, but their best bet is go through Allie at Makeready Designs. A photo isn’t worth a lot if you don’t know how to turn it into a cover. Allie also has several beautiful premade covers for sale as well.
Thanks Rachel!
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